Exhibition Application/参展申请
\r\n \r\nSelect Order/选择订单
\r\nPlease select your exhibition group/请选择您的展团
\r\n\r\nPlease select booth type/请选择展位类型\r\n
\r\n \r\n{{ item.pjName }}
\r\n{{ item.remark }}
\r\n{{ item.price }}{{ item.pType }}/{{\r\n item.cunit }}\r\n
\r\n 0 && join == false\">\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\ntotal:\r\n {{ itm.minCount * itm.price }} {{ itm.pType }}
\r\n \r\nSelect Online/Offline Valued-added\r\n Services/请选择线上/线下市场增值服务项目
\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\ntotal:\r\n {{ itm.orderNum * itm.price }} {{ itm.pType }}
\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\n合计: {{ itm.orderNum * itm.price\r\n }}\r\n {{ itm.pType }}
\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\nTotal/合计:\r\n {{ itm.orderNum * itm.price }} {{ itm.pType }}
\r\n\r\n {{ itm.price }}{{ itm.pType }}/{{ itm.cunit }}
\r\nTotal:\r\n {{ itm.orderNum * itm.price }} {{ itm.pType }}
\r\nSum of Online/Offline Valued-added Services/线上线下市场增值服务订单小计: {{ otherTotalPrice }}\r\n {{ currency }}
\r\nSum of Booth Orders/展位订单小计: \r\n {{ chooseBooth.width1 *\r\n chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price }}\r\n 1 && (chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('㎡') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平米') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平方米') != -1)\">{{\r\n (chooseBooth.width1\r\n * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price / chooseBooth.standstall).toFixed() }}\r\n 0 {{ currency }}
\r\nObligatory/固定费用: {{ gudingprice }}{{ currency }}
\r\nTotal:\r\n \r\n {{\r\n chooseBooth.width1 * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price\r\n + otherTotalPrice + gudingprice\r\n }}\r\n 1 && (chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('㎡') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平米') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平方米') != -1)\">{{\r\n (chooseBooth.width1\r\n * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price / chooseBooth.standstall +\r\n otherTotalPrice + gudingprice).toFixed() }}\r\n {{ otherTotalPrice + gudingprice }}\r\n {{ currency }}\r\n
\r\nSum of Online/Offline Valued-added Services/线上线下市场增值服务订单小计: {{ otherTotalPrice }}\r\n {{ currency }}
\r\nSum of Booth Orders/展位订单小计: \r\n {{ chooseBooth.width1 *\r\n chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price }}\r\n 1 && (chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('㎡') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平米') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平方米') != -1)\">{{\r\n (chooseBooth.width1\r\n * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price / chooseBooth.standstall).toFixed() }}\r\n 0 {{ currency }}
\r\nObligatory/固定费用: {{ gudingprice }}{{ currency }}
\r\nTotal/订单合计:\r\n \r\n {{\r\n chooseBooth.width1 * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price\r\n + otherTotalPrice + gudingprice\r\n }}\r\n 1 && (chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('㎡') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平米') != -1 || chooseBooth.cunit.indexOf('平方米') != -1)\">{{\r\n (chooseBooth.width1\r\n * chooseBooth.width2 * chooseBooth.price / chooseBooth.standstall +\r\n otherTotalPrice + gudingprice).toFixed() }}\r\n {{ otherTotalPrice + gudingprice }}\r\n {{ currency }}\r\n
\r\nAre you sure to quit applying {{ chooseBooth.pjName }}??